Diamonds are nobody's friend.

There is hope.

You know what I totally don't get? Diamonds. I don't understand the hold they have over people. Specifically women. Of course, I understand the process that got us all to this point. What I don't understand is why we still buy this shit. The more I read about diamonds and the diamond industry the more I just cannot believe anyone still even buys them, much less covets them. First of all, diamonds have little intrinsic value. They are shiny and pretty when they catch light. Um, that's pretty much it. Crystal does that. Hell, CDs do that. Contrary to popular belief, they are not indestructible (like gold or something) and have no real use except for status symbols. But most status symbols, aside from being pretentious and unnecessary, are at least of high quality. I mean, no one is ever going to die from not having a BMW, but at least they actually are very well made and have a smooth ride and shit. They have intrinsic value. Not that anything, even a really well made car, is worth however much BMWs cost, but still. Diamonds are only valuable basically because the diamond industry tells us so (and they haven't been convincing us that long, only since like the '30s or '40s). Not to mention the horrible things that diamond mining is responsible for. From overthrowing governments to slave conditions for the miners. Plus child labor. I have very sketchy knowledge of any of this stuff, but the little I've heard is enough. And because I can and do believe the worst of rich men in search of more money, I am certain that most of the atrocities are true. AND ALL OF THIS FOR SOME PRETTY ROCKS! What is wrong with people???

I keep hearing these nauseating diamond engagement ring ads and they annoy me sooooo much. Especially around any kind of holiday, they're all about how stupid men are for not thinking of getting diamond jewelry for their girlfriend/wife/fiancee for every damn occasion. Because, of course, all women want out of life is a man and a diamond. And not one single man can come up with a decent present without the help of obnoxious diamond ads assaulting you every five minutes. It's all so insulting. To men and to women.

Of course, I hate the idea of an engagement ring in the first place but it's not like I'm completely opposed to jewelry in general. But I find it so amazing that Americans in general are so willfully ignorant. Or maybe we just don't care. We have been buying this shit for fifty odd years and it's like we've glazed over: "The commercials say women want diamonds so it MUST be true." Men and women alike totally buy into this stereotype. Women are supposed to want them and men are supposed to want to buy them for the women who want them. All coming from people who do nothing but make huge profits because of it. Gee, they wouldn't have any reason to be anything less than completely truthful, would they? Please. If people get their heads out of their asses and forget about impressing people they've never met (and probably never will) and ditch the idea that "keeping up with the Joneses" is actually what we are all supposed to be doing...well, then maybe we will stop buying this crap (literally and figuratively). Then we could maybe start to have some kind of collective national conscience, instead of just useless national pride. I love my country. But I won't really be proud to be an American until we stop acting like such assholes.

before -- after

Terror Alert Level

� miss any?
Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on September 25, 2004 at 9:32 p.m.
random facts