God dammit

There is hope.

I'm tired of being nice. I'm always nice. You know what? Fuck this fucking country. I'm tired of this pretending to take everyone's view into account tolerance bullshit. Every single person who voted for George W. Bush is a fucking asshole. There are so many fucking problems with this country and what do you people vote for? Someone whose answer to everything is to blow something up. You think the fucking terrorists are bad? What do you think of this goofy fuck who invades countries for no damn reason? You think he should be fucking president. Eleven states want to BAN giving a basic right to an entire group of people for no reason. 98% of people in Mississippi want to ban gay marriage. Why? What in the fuck does SOMEONE ELSE'S marriage have to do with you? Not a fucking thing.

I don't care what anyone's reasons are, there is absolutely no excuse for this man to have gotten the popular vote. We have a fucking majority of people who value individualism above all else-as long as you actually look and act like everyone else. None of them want to take responsibility for anything - except all the good things that happen. No one wants to admit to making a mistake. Ever. You people actually believe everything everyone ever does is a result of their unimpeded, uninfluenced choice; that every American can and does make educated, unbiased choices on everything from fast food to pregnancy to the next president. Except, of course, when it goes badly. Then it's everyone else's fucking fault and they can't find scapegoats quickly enough. As if a poor black teenage mother has the same choices as I do. You actually believe that corporations and the people who run them will do the right thing because they SHOULD not because it's a law. The environment, black people, women, immigrants - we no longer have to worry about them because people always do the right thing and don't need a fucking law to adhere to.

This country is too fucking big. It needs to be split up into at least 4 pieces. I don't care where. NO ONE SHOULD CARE WHERE. I mean, shit, I'm only an American by accident of birth. It's like being brunette or being white. It's not something I aspired to be or have accomplished. This is just where my mother happened to be living. I moved back here from Europe because I wanted to live here, not because I think the US is better than anywhere else, but mostly because my family is here. I like it here because I'm used to it here. I've also been raised with a level of privilege. I'm white and my parents are both professionals. I live in the suburbs. These are all things that have contributed to me having a good life. I am contented. But I also know it's because of luck. I'm under no illusions that I deserve anything in particular or that I've worked any harder than anyone else. I'm actually pretty lazy. I have always gotten pretty good grades but I went to college because my parents could afford it. I went to grad school because I was approved for a massive student loan. None of these things had anything to do with me, they had to do with my privileges. If I had to work real hard at much of anything, I don't think I would be where I am today. If I was born black or poor or in a different country, I would be a different person. But that other person would have to work 100 times harder than I have ever worked in my life to accomplish half as much. I'm really fucking rambling now but I'm just so pissed off.

People who voted for Bush:
-Only care about themselves (and possibly other members of their family, unless some of those members are in the military)
-Value individualism over community (and individualism is just another way to divide and conquer)
-Like the imperialistic way that the Bush administration runs its empire
-Think the only people who can think and act for themselves are old white men
-or they never think about anything at all ever.

I mean, how can any thinking person believe that the way things are is good? I get why the Bush/Gore race was so close and I can see why it was pretty much 50/50 because Bush and Gore purposely made their platforms virtually interchangeable. But now? NOW?! Bush has shown his true colors. He is clearly a puppet of the rich and white; of the oil guys; of big business. He operates on a policy of fear and misinformation. He has shown no capacity for reflection or depth. I...they...he's not a president. He's auctioned off to the highest bidder. He's a radical right winger whose single-mindedness and dedication to some wacko mission from god has effectively alienated just about every country in the world, whether they admit it or not. He is the ultimate ugly American and we are all now painted with that same brush. We are so wrapped up in "protecting" ourselves and "rah-rah, yay us" bullshit that it looks like we don't even realize that there are actually other people on this planet. Everyone hates us. Hell, I fucking hate us.

I mean, does anybody ever fucking wonder why we have 'evolved' into a country where every damn person hates to get up in the morning? Where no one likes their job? Where you get stuck doing things you hate because you have a mortgage and car payments and tuition payments? I mean, does this sound like a civilized society to you?

before -- after

Terror Alert Level

� miss any?
Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on November 04, 2004 at 12:28 p.m.
random facts