Not up to much, really.

There is hope.

I haven't updated in a while. I don't know why. It's not as if nothing has happened to me. Well, not really. I have gotten myself into an enormous hole of crippling debt, but that's not really news. I love my new couch and apartment, even though every day I come home with the thought that I may not be able to pay my rent this month. Although I've applied for a few part-time jobs, so we'll see.

I got a kitty. The owner died and Rusty needed a home (and a new name. As soon as I come up with one) or they were going to put him down. So then I had to spend a bunch of dough I don't have to have him declawed (yes, I'm inhumane) so he wouldn't wreck my new couch, my screens, or my power cables. He's very friendly but that usually translated into sinking his claws into you. It's much more pleasant now for him to grab a hold of my wrist sans claws. He's very cute. I would post a picture but it won't work for some reason. Oh well.

I'm still in love with my Harry Potter look-a-like but he pissed me off today. I don't expect him to agree with everything I say (even though I'm right) but then Red, another co-worker of mine said she agreed with him. And then proceeded to email back and forth with him about 20 times. Do you think they were discussing the weather? Not so much. I didn't say anything to Red because it drives me nuts when she says "Who are you emailing? What did so and so just say to you?" because she's insecure and self-centered and always thinks people are talking about her or leaving her out of something. But I knew she was emailing him and when I went to his desk later in the afternoon I saw like 20 emails from her in his inbox. And I wasn't even trying to see, I swear! I usually make up reasons to stop by his desk, but this afternoon I didn't even particularly want to talk to him, but I needed to ask him something about work. I'm annoyed with both of them because I think it's a little childish, but I'm more annoyed with her because not only does she know I like him, but, being the jealous person that she is, she would LOVE to bond with him over disagreeing with me. She generally feels like she loses arguments with me because basically I opt out and don't argue or bring up a point she can't answer. So not only did she find someone who thought I was wrong, but it was a cute boy who pays attention to me. And as she considers herself the reigning male-attention whore, she doesn't like that at all. Is the bitterness coming through? 'Cause I'm really trying to showcase it.

Does everyone else love Bowling for Soup? How much does Ohio (Come Back To Texas) rule? I also am recently enamored of Rob Thomas. I know! I hate hate hate Matchbox 20 but his solo album just rules. He's cuter now too. Plus I read about him and he's just so damn sweet and he had a not great life, which is just so endearing (not to sound too Barbara Bush). He even had weight issues! Plus he has this Sidewalk Angels Foundation, which is so great. If I find out he has acne scars, I may swoon. So nah nanner. He is so a good person to be a fan of.

before -- after

Terror Alert Level

� miss any?
Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on September 23, 2005 at 7:51 p.m.
random facts