Bah humbug.

There is hope.

Who decided that November 18 was the day to start playing Christmas music on the radio? And when did this happen? Was it like this last year? I don't know. You know, I love Christmas music with a passion, but it's not even Thanksgiving yet! And on TWO different Chicago radio stations they have been playing nothing but carols all day. What the fuck is up with that? And I just heard some lame cover of George Michael's Last Christmas. I mean, if you're going to play Christmas music all day on a random Tuesday when it's raining and like 60 degrees out, you damn well better play the freaking originals. Fucking DJs.


Trip to Minnesota was good. Saturday was very long. We got to the gym at 9am and P Doody wasn't finished wrestling until 8pm. My ass hurt so much. And then we spent the whole next day in the car driving home. That was okay though because the car seats are comfy and soft. But there was a minor crisis known only to myself. The Bears game was on the radio and it didn't quite come in while we were still in north Wisconsin, but of course we still had to have it on, full blast, on the speakers in the back as well as the front. I couldn't concentrate on my book because of the constant nerve-wracking buzz of static and I literally could not drown it out with my walkman. Plus, the boys were in the captain seats with them all tilted back for their comfort, while I was smooshed in the lame ass third seat (you know, the back back). I had a headache and I had just gotten my period that morning. So I laid down in my seat and cried. But I couldn't lay down for very long because after a while I needed to stretch my legs out 'cause my knee hurt and the blanket I was using for a pillow became useless very quickly. I don't know why I have to get shafted just 'cause I'm short. I was not a happy camper. We dropped P off finally and I got his seat. And of course the Bears blew it. But I would generally categorize the weekend as a good one. I didn't really get to go out for my birthday, though. My cousins punked out at around 5pm or so. They just couldn't take sitting on those hard ass bleachers anymore. I was raised on this shit, though. Also, I had no way to leave. But they ended up missing P's two pins. He was three and two for the whole weekend, which was not bad at all for his first matches in two years. Well, I have to go now and try to find some music that is not celebrating the birth of Christ.

before -- after

Terror Alert Level

� miss any?
Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on November 18, 2003 at 2:27 p.m.
random facts