Everywhere is the same, really.

There is hope.

I was just going to write, "God, I've been so busy." But it's not true. I haven't at all. I only got a job. It's just going to take me quite a while to get used to gainful employment again. I have a bitch of a commute, but all I've done after work is sit on my ass and watch TV. And I still can't manage to get to bed before 11:30. Which is just not enough sleep. My skin looks terrible and I actually have purple circles under my eyes. The boys are beating the door down. I'll get back into it though. My neck hurts constantly from eight hours of staring at a computer and two hours of driving every day. I'm so getting a massage soon. I think it's too late to book one for this weekend. And next weekend I'm going out to my sister's. Oh well, I'll think of something.


I've decided to not really talk about work. I'm sure as soon as someone does something I don't like that policy will be out the window, but I hate being one of those people that sits around bitching about work. And I totally morphed into that girl at my last job. With no effort at all, I became one of those admin caricatures in movies and TV shows. Little slights became major offensives. I spent all my time at work bitching to people and then did the same when I came home. All of this was to justify my indignation. I just really hated my job and most of the people with whom I had to work. And it galled me that I had to put up with their shit to earn a paycheck. I know plenty of people who have to deal with that kind of thing. At my old job, the people were petty and overly concerned with money and 'being cool' and were condescending assholes. Not to mention as traditional and sexist and racist and homophobic and conservative and establishment as one group of people can be. Even the few black people who worked there were intolerant of anyone straying from what they thought was "normal." I know it's a little stupid to assume that black people are going to automatically be liberal but I still always make that assumption. Not that the new place isn't lily white and big on "normal," because it totally is. It's just that the people are a lot nicer, and so I can only hope that, well, that prejudices just don't come up or something. It's a little much to expect, I know. I mean, I intend to be there for a while, so it's not going to be shiny happy people always and forever. But I think I have a much better chance at being happy on a more consistent basis here. So good luck to me with that.

before -- after

Terror Alert Level

� miss any?
Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on December 05, 2003 at 9:31 p.m.
random facts