No Internet for 3 days!

There is hope.

My diary was the first link listed when someone typed "Dean Martin feminism" on Japanese Google. I rule.


So I finished HP5 today and it was so depressing because now I don't have it to read anymore. That's what I hate about reading books you love because they eventually end. Plus, I don't have the internet in my room (I'm in the kitchen at 1:30am while my roommate, who just got home, is frying potatoes). It's very upsetting to not have any HP or internet to distract me while I am supposed to be doing work. I actually had to do work. Fred and/or George Weasley is/are my boyfriend(s).


I had all these cool ideas for entries over the past few nights when my brain wouldn't shut down and let me sleep but now I can't think of anything mostly because I stayed up 'til 5am this morning reading HP and still had to get up at 11am to watch Dallas and I can't think straight to save my life. Today was actually a good day; no panic attacks about my impending due date for my dissertation and I think I actually improve when I'm so tired that I have to walk around most of the day in a haze. For a little while today I was even just happy to be me and was really content with myself and my life. I mean, it only lasted about 12 minutes, but, hey, I take what I can get. I'm nervous though 'cause I have to go to work at my department office tomorrow and I'm terrified that I'm going to have to run into my thesis advisor and she's going to ask me all sorts of difficult and probing questions like, "have you actually written anything yet?" and I'm going to turn beet red and look guilty and furtive and not be able to answer for several seconds. And then I'll probably stammer out some kind of lie while praying that she doesn't ask me what my title is.

before -- after

wanting: chocolate, except I know I really don't and will regret it if I eat some
listening to: my loud roommate eat her potatoes (no, I don't fucking want some)
needing: sweet, sweet sleep

Terror Alert Level

� miss any?
Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on 2003-07-15 at 1:27 a.m.
random facts