I'm just a girl who cain't say no.

There is hope.

I just watched That's Entertainment again recently and I have once again started to wonder how anyone could not like musicals. I mean, of course they aren't realistic. Of course no one actually bursts into topical, perfectly rhyming song and accompanying choreographed dance numbers. And I think the world is poorer for it. But it's ridiculous to not like an entire genre of films because they aren't based in reality. Shit, I can't remember the last movie I saw that was based in reality. But who doesn't like songs? I do. Singin' In The Rain is one of my absolute favorite movies. Moses Supposes and Make 'Em Laugh are two of the funniest songs/scenes ever. West Side Story. Oklahoma! Annie. Guys and Dolls. The Music Man. How can you watch even five minutes of any of these movies or hear the songs and not feel good or be cheered up? I know some of them are cheesy and silly but I think that cheesiness and silliness are sorely missing nowadays.

I don't want to sound all nostalgic about How Things Used To Be or anything 'cause Goddess knows that I don't like the way things used to be (especially in the 1950s. *Shudder*). But why does good always have to equal gritty? Why is something happy or upbeat almost always dismissed as fluff? You know? That shit's fucked up.

before -- after

Terror Alert Level

� miss any?
Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on September 18, 2003 at 11:55 p.m.
random facts