A fucking constitutional amendment?!?

There is hope.

There are no words strong enough to indicate just how much I hate George Bush. Of course, I didn't actually watch the state of the union because I wasn't home, but I wouldn't have watched it anyway because I cannot bear to listen to his voice. He's such a smarmy fuck and so smug and self-important that every time I see his face I fantasize about choking him. I mean, I know he's our president and all but how is it humanly possible that people think that what he does is okay?

He wants to make it a constitutional amendment to deny a percentage of our population rights. A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. God, the crack he's been smoking must be grade-A. How can a compassionate, thoughtful, intelligent, clear-thinking individual believe that we need a law saying that a marriage can only be between a man and a woman? I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of marriage in general, but if people decide to make a commitment like that, then they should damn well be able to do it, by law. Not to mention the fact that the American society rewards people who are legally married. Everything in our lives, from Valentine's Day cards to tax breaks, is set up to be an advantage to the Mom-Dad-2.4 Kids demographic. We cater to The American Family with mini-vans and His 'n Her towels. So Bush is not just saying, "Sorry, what you do is wrong," he's saying "What you do is wrong and you are going to be severely punished for it." Marriage has a crazy history and has not always been the only way people lived. I also don't think that it was originally based in religion (but I could be wrong about that). In the 1800s, a lot of the time it was strictly a monetary transaction between two families, and a lot of times poor people just didn't get married because they couldn't afford it. The definitions of things change constantly and we are always changing them. Not that long ago it was illegal for black people to marry white people, and now, officially, that has been condemned. Why is being homosexual so different? I don't know if I believe that people are born gay and cannot change it no matter what-I believe there is a spectrum and that most people fall in the middle and not to the extremes. I mean, it's obvious that black people are born black and can't do anything about it (unless you're Michael Jackson) and that it's ridiculous to hate someone just for the way they look (like hating blondes or people with freckles). So why is it still acceptable to be against rights for gay people? Or to disapprove of "what they do"?

I have a problem with the term morality because it's usually completely relative and subjective and so I rarely use it. And if that's what these bigots are using to back up their bullshit, it's just not good enough. I'm tired of Christians quoting the Bible and boasting about going to church as if this ends the argument. Why do they always win because they're right? Why is kneeling in a drafy building automatically give them the "moral high ground"? Bush has invoked God so often and so haphazardly that I think it's become meaningless. If I heard that imbecile say "God bless America" one more time, I think that I might implode. Just because they're Right, doesn't mean they're right. Fuckers.

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Good bye. - March 12, 2006
2006 - January 10, 2006
I'm damn smart. The internet says so. - December 22, 2005
Rape. - December 09, 2005
Scatterbrain. - November 28, 2005

written on January 21, 2004 at 1:18 p.m.
random facts